
“Throughout its partnership with the Council on Aging, CASS has been on the cutting edge of creativity when it comes to improving services for seniors. ”

Council on Aging of Southwestern Ohio

“During Marian Spencer's final years, CASS was instrumental in helping me to maintain Marian's health and safety, extending the amount of time she could live on her own…I'm extremely grateful that CASS's services were available to Marian.”

Dot Christenson, friend, biographer and primary caregiver to Cincinnati civil rights icon Marian Spencer

“The individuals employed by CASS work tirelessly to ensure that the needs of the senior population are met and exceeded. They are creative, hardworking, innovative, and compassionate. Our region and, most importantly our seniors, are fortunate to have such a strong group of people serving and advocating for them.”

Rachel Wirth, Executive Director, Mercy Health Partners & CASS Board Member

“I like the food. And I like the fact that they deliver it every week on time. The service is great.”

Joyce Stivers, Meals on Wheels client

“The level of care, compassion and service CASS provides to our seniors is extraordinary. They show that they genuinely care. CASS has always stepped up for seniors when other services have fallen short or failed to deliver at all. Sometimes, I ask myself: If something happened to me tomorrow would I be confident that CASS could serve my needs? The answer without a doubt is YES!”

Tiffany M. Turner, CASS board member

“The OTR Senior Center is family oriented and that's what I love about it. It's the family that I didn't have.”

Edressa Johnson, a frequent participant at the OTR Senior Center

“Mere words would fail to express my thanks to you for all the times that you have come through for me. I'm sure that you don't know how your weekly acts of kindness make my life happier, healthier and a lot less stressful. I will always remember you and your selfless acts.”

Note from client to Meals on Wheels driver Rose Harris

“I love my job. I’ve thought about leaving. I just can’t. It’s the best darned job in town. These folks – these seniors – they embrace you. They embrace each other. We’re family.”

Cheryl Ware, who heads the CASS OTR Senior Center