Personal Financial Management

Financial Management Program Provides Safety Net for Seniors

Our Personal Financial Management program helps seniors manage their money. The goal is to help them protect their savings so they can live in their homes as long as possible.

Protecting Seniors’ Money

CASS Can Prevent Financial Problems

The typical seniors in this program are unable to handle their own finances or are at risk of financial exploitation.

We’ve seen them lose their homes because of eviction or foreclosure. We’ve seen their utilities shut off. And we’ve seen their life savings lost.  All of these challenges can jeopardize their health and welfare. Ultimately, if their financial issues are not resolved, they might have to be placed in a nursing home.

Our program, also known as Representative Payee, stabilizes their situation to meet their most immediate, basic needs. After that, we manage their finances on a long-term basis to keep them on track. Our services are customized, based on a specific senior’s needs, including:

  • Helping older adults with budgeting;
  • Writing checks for them;
  • Coordinating Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps and other benefits;
  • Helping them navigate the complexities of insurance, public services, housing and similar responsibilities;
  • Protecting them from scam artists who would exploit them.

Often, we’re asked to assist them after they experience a financial crisis, such as when they are a victim of fraud. But if we intervene sooner, we can help seniors avoid financial crises.

Numbers help to tell our story. In 2019, we:

  • Provided nearly 6,300 hours of money management to older adults;
  • Screened 184 households for public benefits eligibility, resulting in more than 93% receiving some benefit;
  • And prevented 97% of our long-term clients from further abuse, neglect and exploitation.

Our program provides a lifeline — a safety net — to keep vulnerable seniors safe and healthy at a fraction of the cost of a nursing home. Banks, lawyers, accountants and Adult Protective Services are among the sources who refer older adults to us for help.

CASS does not provide money to seniors for rent, food or other expenses. Rather, the goal of the program is to help seniors manage their money better and protect it.

How to Arrange Financial Management Services

To learn more about this program or to enroll, seniors or their representatives can call CASS at 513-559-4523.

“The OTR Senior Center is family oriented and that's what I love about it. It's the family that I didn't have.”

Edressa Johnson, a frequent participant at the OTR Senior Center